Annual Meeting
One of the ways Emerald Credit Union demonstrates uniqueness in the financial institution world is by holding an Annual Meeting with our members. A credit union's Annual Meeting is actually a huge part of what makes credit unions so different from banks. During the Annual Meeting, members get to choose the volunteer Board of Directors for the credit union, from amongst their peers. They also get to hear about what the credit union leadership has planned for the upcoming year, and it's an opportunity for members to have their voices heard.
Join Our 2025 Annual Meeting
All members are invited to join our 70th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. EST. The event will be streamed live, so you may attend from the comfort of home, using your computer or mobile device. No reservations are required – On the day of the Annual Meeting, simply click the link below to attend. You will be required to enter your Share Savings Account (member) number and the last four digits of your Social Security number to verify membership. Please note that multiple attendees within the same household must sign in individually from separate devices.
Door prizes will be awarded by random selection during the meeting. Ten lucky winners will each receive $70! Members must be in attendance at the time the door prizes are drawn in order to win.
Click HERE to join the meeting! Please note the link will not be active until the day of the meeting, and you may join up to two hours in advance. Members attending from the same household must sign in on separate devices.
Please make sure to test your device speakers and volume prior to the meeting for the best experience.